Design & Engineering
We supply as much—or as little—creative input as your project requires. We work closely with your design and branding partners, and we have a long history of collaborating with renowned design firms.
Great signage begins with great design, and at Gulf South Signs, our in-house team is one of the industry’s best. Our highly experienced designers and engineers bring customers’ corporate identities and brand standards to life. We transform rough concepts into striking drawings that conform to every site specification. Then we create 3-D vivid presentations that allow you to see your building, with the virtual signage and architectural elements in place, from all angles, on your computer screen. In some cases, we build physical prototypes.
We are experts in visually enhancing your corporate identity while incorporating the requirements of landlords, local ordinances and environmental regulations. Through sophisticated software, our engineering team leverages the laws of physics, determining the best materials to meet design, load-bearing and even wind-speed requirements. Our estimators calculate the costs to implement the entire program, taking into account such factors as the long-term electricity and maintenance savings of using LED lighting. Based on customer feedback and budgets, the entire signage program is adjusted accordingly.